
Mount Belknap, Fire Tower via Red and Green Trail Loop

Part of the Belknap Range, Mount Belknap has a fire tower on the top which was under construction. An oddly warm day in late October, but started to get overcast and a little windy towards on the descent with small rain showers right at the end.

Going up the trail was relatively easy with leaves covering the path. Towards the top of the mountain there were a few structure and a few groups which passed taking the Blue Trail North towards Gunstock Mountain. The descent on Green Trail was weaving in and out of the power lines and was slippery and a little wet in areas.

Hikers: Jon

Time In: 14:32

Time Out: 15:50

Looking East towards Laconia from Waynes Way right off the parking lot

Mossy trail on the ascent on Red Trail

Mid hike view looking East again

Leaves covered the descent going down Green Trail