
Mount Percival via Mount Percival Trail

Part of the 52 with a View, just North West of Squam Lake. This hike was more challenging than expected with a few steep climbs and a rock scramble towards the end. At the very end, there was a fork which lets you choose to cliff climb or go through caves and the cliff climb was chosen this time. Although not terribly hard, it was a little tricky.

It was an unusually warm late October day in the high 70s and possibly tipping over to 80. Leaves mostly yellow and darker variations and many on the ground making it a bit slippery and at times difficult knowing what may be beneath a step.

There were a few people on the trail, but the parking lot was mostly empty for this mid-day Friday hike. Great views at the top and a nice climb throughout.

Hikers: Jon & Lizzy

Time In: 12:01

Time Out: 14:19

Leaves covered ground at the start, started flat but ramped up throughout the hike

Leaf covered stairs heading towards the summit

Summit sign, can connect to Mount Morgan or Mount Squam

Looking South from Percival over Squam Lake with the Belknap Ranges in the further distance

Peak Finder looking South from Percival