
Mount Straightback South & North Peak, East & West Quarry Mountain, & Mount Anna via multiple trails

Slightly chilly day to start, with nice trails which were not wet, except for the small bit in between West Quarry Mountain and Mount Anna (via Marsh Crossing Trail). The scrambles on Dave Roberts Quarry Trail from Mountain Straight Back South peak to all the Quarry Mountain were fun and dry which was good. A few people on the trails and one pair doing the Belknap Range Trail.

Straightback Mountain had some of the only views of the mountains we passed through, and had a flat-ish top which was similar to a small wooded field.

Hikers: Jon & Kevin

Time In: 8:49

Time Out: 12:16

Looking South going up the South side of Straightback Mountain

Further up Straightback mountain looking South

Straightback Mountain Marker

Looking North East towards Mount Major and Lake Winnipesaukee on the left, we could see hikers on the top of Mount Major